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Blossoming Anew


Blossoming Anew

This summer, renovations budded, blossomed, and bloomed around Marshall’s campus, both inside and out


Health Center 

Our school’s Health Center was updated throughout with funding provided through a Covid-based grant from Emergency Assistance for Nonpublic Schools (EANS).



Outdoor Signage 

Outdoor signage was added and updated to create a welcoming and easier-to-navigate street presence for our school, while indoor signage was changed to reflect our new mission statement and core values.




Library Renovation 

The heavily used library was renovated with new flooring, furniture, and circulation desk, while a quiet reading room was created for our youngest learners out of an unused and outdated computer lab. This was made possible thanks to generous support from North Shore Bank, the Lewis Family, and all of this year’s annual Fund-a-Need donors.




New Flooring

New flooring was installed in the middle school halls and common area in anticipation of Forest School elementary-age students distributing wet and muddy footprints.