Academic Support

Learning Specialists and the MAC
Marshall Academic Commons (MAC) provides individual support and enrichment for students reaching for their next level in any particular academic subject. The MAC is staffed by two learning specialists during the school day. All Marshall students have access to the MAC, where they can receive guided support for assignments, skills coaching, and overall study support. Students can work on their own in the MAC, or receive one-on-one support by appointment or when available.

Meet the Learning Specialists

Dylan Chernov

Karen Stiles

Advisory & Ambassadors
Marshall’s advisory program seeks to provide each student with a faculty mentor, each year they attend Marshall. Faculty mentors are called advisors, and are responsible for a group of 10-12 students, called advisees. Advisors guide students through academic issues, as well as personal. It is the role of the advisor to know each student in their group well, and to support and advocate for them when needed.

